The Most Comprehensive Services in the Industry for Turnkey Projects
Dealers displaying the PlumbAqua banner are plumbing contractors offering as one of their specialties the sale and installation of drinking water treatment equipment, as well as a water testing service. They offer the most comprehensive services in the industry for turnkey projects.
Call on the biggest network of experts in water analysis and treatment in Canada.
Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Horticultural, Institutional, Pharmaceutical and Municipal Applications.
Our experienced staff consists of real experts in the water industry in Quebec. Some members of our staff have over 40 years of experience in the field. Our team consists of water treatment specialists, chemists, microbiologists, biologists, environmental specialists and engineers as well as several business partners, such as engineers, hydrogeologists, educators, etc.
Through its various divisions, AquaWaterEau Corporation is able to offer the most comprehensive and diverse range of water-related services in the industry. Please visit the websites of other divisions for other services.
Services Offered:
Water Treatment Equipment
PlumbAqua is a Canadian leader since 1988. With the expertise gained from several hundreds of thousands of water treatment equipment installations, components or parts sold, the Company and its distribution network offer you the assurance that they will meet your expectations.
Sale and installation of water treatment equipment for all types of applications
Repair of most brands of equipment
Equipment maintenance with or without maintenance contract
Sales - Financing - Leasing
Water Analysis
PlumbAqua dealers benefit from their alliance with the sole distributor of water treatment equipment that offers its dealer network of water analysis services by its own laboratory accredited by the Ministry of the Environment of Quebec, according to the PALA, based on the ISO 17025 Standard, 2005 version.
Engineering and Consulting
The PlumbAqua Consulting Division is specialized in expertise, engineering and consulting for any kind of project related to water. Whether to design or optimize a treatment system, to design plans and specifications, to prepare a request for tender, to prepare an application for authorization to install, to conduct a catchment study or a characterization of water quality, our team will be able to meet your needs.
Pumping Systems
Our partners annually undertake more pumping system installations and well drilling services than all individual companies put together. We are regularly the first to be called to bridge the gap between supply and demand.
The specialists at PlumbAqua redirect clients to other specialists who can meet their most demanding needs.