Water Analysis Service
There is no doubt that the most important part of a project starts with professional water analysis. Our laboratory AquaLabo, an independent subsidiary of the AquaWaterEau Corporation conglomerate, is specialized in physicochemical and microbiological analysis. AquaLabo laboratory has been certified by the Ministère de l’Environnement (MDDELCC) since 1988. AquaWaterEau Corporation is the only water treatment equipment company that offers specialized water analysis services to its entire network of distributors and their clienteles.
Our experienced staff consists of real experts in the water industry in Canada. Our water treatment specialists, chemists, microbiologists, biologists, environmental specialists and laboratory technicians are full time members of our staff.
Since 2010, over one million dollars have been reinvested and AquaLabo moved to new premises with new equipment at the cutting edge of technology. AquaLabo now ranks among the best equipped laboratories in Canada.
Where to Begin
Before initiating a water analysis project, it may be advantageous to know the different types of water quality problems, their causes, symptoms and the various treatment methods available.
Please visit the AquaLabo website by clicking on its logo for more details.